GeekHigh Tech

iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 2, le Jailbreak est déja disponible


A peine sorti, déja cracké… Le Jailbreak de la version Beta 2 du Firmware 3.0 de l’iPhone/iPod Touch est dores et déja disponible et semble fonctionner avec tous les modèles d’iPhone/iPod Touch. A noter que cette version QuickPWN 3.0 Beta 2 n’est pas une version finale et est pour le moment uniquement disponible pour les utilisateurs Windows. [MAJ!] L’iPhone DEV-Team recommande vivement de ne pas Jailbreaker votre iPhone/iPod Touch avec QuickPWN 3.0 Beta 2 pour le moment [MAJ!]

Voici le communiqué de la DEV-Team vis à vis de QuickPWN 3.0 Beta 2:

[…] Why did we not release the jailbreak two weeks ago when the above image was captured and hashed?  There are many reasons, mostly resource-related:

  1. We don’t want to have to release a new version of PwnageTool and QuickPwn for every beta release.  Last time around during the 2.0 beta period, there were nine (9!) Apple releases, spaced within a few weeks of each other.
  2. There are unresolved problems that we’re still working on.  It’s currently impossible to get the 3.0 firmware to talk to baseband 02.28 where yellowsn0w lives, for instance.
  3. We don’t want to have to support everyone who wants to back down from the betas…because the betas are, well, buggy.
  4. It’s silly to play cat&mouse with Apple during a beta period, when relatively few people are willing to actually use the beta software in their everyday lives.  There are ways Apple can tighten the screws, and we’d rather not burn methods just for a beta release.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT THE UNOFFICIAL QUICKPWN RELEASES IS THAT IF YOU USE THEM, YOU WILL KILL YELLOWSN0W, POSSIBLY FOREVER. That’s because QuickPwn, by its very nature, requires you to already have accepted Apple’s official IPSW, along with its baseband update.  If you do that, you will (possibly forever) lose your ability to software-unlock your iPhone 3G. […]


(Via Engadget)

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